Pricing List

First Assesment


Standard Initial Assesment with Physiotherapist

(45 minutes)


Extended Initial Screen with Physiotherapist

(60 minutes)

Follow Up


Standard follow up with Physiotherapist

(30 minutes)

Gym Rehabilitation Program


1:1 Supervision with Physiotherapist (Single Session)

(60 minutes)


1:1 Supervision with Physiotherapist (Single Session)

(30 minutes)


Programme recommended and tailored (3 Sessions)

(60 minutes)


Programme recommended and tailored (3 Sessions)

(30 minutes)


Individual needs following assesment (6 Sessions)

(60 minutes)


Individual needs following assesment (6 Sessions)

(30 minutes)



With massage therapist

(30 minutes)


With massage therapist

(45 minutes)


With massage therapist

(60 minutes)

Physiotherapy Home Visits


First Assesment

(60 minutes)


Follow Up

(30 minutes)

* Additional charge if postcode is outside of a 5 mile radius from the clinic

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